Five Loaves Mission

Five Loaves Mission is an ecumenical outreach between First Baptist Church Beaufort and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

Every Monday night a hot dinner is served to anyone who wishes to participate. We have served the homeless, marginalized, boat people, visitors, the lonely, and homebound.

Donations of time, place, and money have allowed this mission to serve the community for seventeen years.

There are several ways that you can participate on a part time basis: One is to sign up to make a casserole, you would be given a recipe and aluminum pan to prepare the casserole. Then bring it to the church and freeze it. Once a month these would be the main dish for one meal.

We can also use a cake brigade, folks who want to bake a sheet cake once a month for dessert.Please contact the church for Nancy Ustach’s contact information to learn more about how you can help with Five Loaves Mission.