Support Ministries
Support Ministries at St. Paul’s help support the life and mission of the parish. In all that we do, we work hard to live into our mission statement acronym “A.M.E.N.” (Anchored in God’s Love, Moved by the Church’s Sacraments, Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Nourishing the World in Jesus’ Name). The Support Ministries of St. Paul’s help make that possible and remind us that we never do the work of ministry alone. Take a moment to look at some of the various Support Ministries at St. Paul’s.
Front Desk Volunteers
Volunteers who serve as Desk Receptionists cover the office either in the morning or in the afternoons. Their presence is valued more than they could ever know. Their duties mainly …
Tech Support
Growing out of St. Paul’s need to keep church available and vital during the early days of the pandemic, a small Technical Support Team of volunteers has grown from a …