St. Paul’s Music Scholars – What is Expected of Scholars?

So that there are clear guidelines, this page will help Music Scholars be aware of responsibilities and expectations as a member of the program. If there are any questions, please reach out to the Director of Music.

  • Upon acceptance, Scholars are expected to participate for two full, consecutive semesters – both Fall (1st Semester) and Spring (2nd Semester).
  • During the semester, Scholars are to fully participate at all musical aspects of services at which the St. Paul’s Choir is required to be in attendance. (Spring 2023 Schedule)

  • Scholars are expected to participate in all choir rehearsals, choir intensive days, and retreats.
  • Absences must be approved by the Director of Music. More than six absences per term (being no more than three rehearsals and three services) may result in dismissal from the program and forfeiture of the scholarship. A notice of two weeks is preferable for absences. In cases of illness and other emergency situations, the Director of Music is to be notified of the circumstances at the earliest possible time. The Director of Music may excuse occasional absences at their discretion. Mandatory school events (not extra-curricular activities) will not be counted as unexcused absences.
  • Scholars are expected to participate in other services of worship and musical activities that are undertaken by the St. Paul’s Choir, such as Choral Evensong and concerts.
  • Scholars will participate in one public “Music Scholars” concert each term.
  • Scholars will participate in weekly group lessons on voice technique and music theory using the Royal School of Music Voice for Life curriculum.
  • Scholars are required to complete one level of RSCM Voice For Life program (out of total of seven possible levels) per semester.
  • Scholars are invited to participate in the life of the St. Paul’s Parish by attending post-service coffee hour, youth group, group study events, and other social events. Behavior that is consistent with the practices of the parish is expected while participating in all activities.
  • In the event a Scholar is not satisfactorily participating in the program, the Director of Music will create an action plan with the Scholar to allow for full, satisfactory participation. If the Scholar does not meet the requirements of the action plan, the scholar may be dismissed from the program.
  • Scholars may be invited participate beyond the two semesters of their initial acceptance. If the Scholar meets all eligibility requirements, they are welcome to apply for another year of the program. Participation in the program does not guarantee acceptance into the program in the following year.