Where can I park?

There is a parking lot behind our Parish Administration Building located on the right side of the sanctuary. If you cannot find a spot there, you can park along Ann Street. While you may see a sign that says “Do Not Park On This Side Of The Street,” don’t worry! That sign does not apply during Sunday Worship. Feel free to park on either side of the street.

What do I need to wear?

Do not stress about attire! We recognize we live in a coastal town with many visitors. So we welcome you regardless of suit/dress or golf shirt/T-shirt.

Is there a nursery for my young child?

There is a nursery! When you walk in the church’s front doors, ask one of our ushers, and they will be happy to escort you to the nursery in our Parish Hall.

Are you required to kneel?

No, you are not required to kneel. You can stand during prayers or do whatever is most comfortable for you and your body.

How do I receive communion?

You can put one hand on top of the other, palms facing upward, to receive the bread. The bread is eaten immediately while you wait to drink from the cup. If you prefer, you may hold the bread and dip it in the cup before eating it. If you don’t want the wine, cross your arms over your chest after eating the bread, as a signal to the minister carrying the cup. If you do not wish to receive Communion, you are still invited to come to the altar and cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing.

Is there music at both services?

Music is part of the 10:45 am service on Sundays.

​Where is ‘coffee hour’, and who is invited?

Everyone is invited to the ‘coffee hour’ that follows each Sunday service. We meet in the Parish Hall, the building west of the Sanctuary.

​Is there Sunday School for children?

Yes, during the school year Sunday School is available for children preschool through grade 5 in the Parish Hall and for 6th-12th grade in the Youth Room in the Parish Administration Building. Children’s Sunday School for Preschool through 5th Grade begins at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary with music, then moves to the Parish Hall. The children join their family in the church around 11:35 am for Communion. 6th-12th grade Sunday School also begins at 9:30 am but ends at 10:30 am in time for young people to join their families in church for the service.

​Are there services for children grades 6-12?

There are no special services for 6th through 12th graders. Instead, we invite them to be fully involved in our services. This can take many forms. Young people can sit with their families during the service, be acolytes, read the lessons of the day, and even get involved in our choir.

Who can use the playground?

Our playground is open to the public! So anytime you want to stop by, come and play on our new swings, slide down the slide, and make a joyful noise on our xylophone.

Do you have weekday service offerings?

Yes! Tuesdays, we offer Morning Prayer at 8:30 am. On Wednesdays, we offer Noonday Eucharist, and a Lectionary Study meets immediately following that service. On Thursdays, we offer Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm. Both the Noonday Eucharist and Evening Prayer services are live streamed on our Facebook.