Youth Ministry
Sunday School
9:30 - 10:30 am
Sunday School for Middle and High School students starts at 9:30 am and goes until 10:30 am. They meet each week in the Youth Room on the second floor of the Parish Administration Building. This Fall, Middle and High Schoolers are exploring the Bible using Echo the Story. A curriculum that is provided through Sparkhouse Publishing.
Crosswinds is our youth group for Middle and High Schoolers. They meet every week for dinner and programming in our Parish Hall. Each week alternates between scripture and outreach-based programming. We have played Minute-to-Win-It Games based on stories from the Bible, and we have tye-dyed pet bandanas for our Blessing of the Animals Service. We hope that you will join us! Please reach out to our Associate for more information.
Glory Ridge
Glory Ridge is the location of our yearly youth outreach trip. Glory Ridge is a special place to many people in the diocese of East Carolina and is located in Marshall, NC (right outside of Asheville, NC). Each year, St. Paul’s joins other Episcopal Churches at Glory Ridge to help make repairs to homes for locals that would not be able to afford the repairs themselves or who cannot physically make the repairs themselves. It is truly a “mountain-top” experience for anyone who goes.
Diocesan Youth Events
The Diocese of East Carolina offers a wide range of events for middle and high school students to get together, learn, and worship. As a parish, we support the diocese by attending these different diocesan youth events. To learn more about the events that are coming up, you can go here.